Online Services

  • Connect - Apply for Examination.
  • E-Mail Notification List - The Board uses this subscriber list service to notify anyone who is interested in receiving e-mail alerts about major updates to the Board’s website, for example, when: Notices and agendas for board meetings are released, Minutes from board meetings are approved, Regulations are implemented or released for public comment, Questions and answers about new laws are added.
  • Wood Destroying Organisms Database - You may search the Board's Wood Destroying Organism System to see if a specific property has been inspected within the last two years.
  • Wood Destroying Organisms System - Registered companies may file their WDO reports online.
  • Verify a License - You may use this feature to lookup a company or individual who has a license issued by the Department of Consumer Affairs - Structural Pest Control Board.
  • File a Complaint - Any owner of a property, the owner's agent, a registered pest control company, or a licensee may file a complaint. Complaints may be filed against both pest control companies and pest control licensees.