How to Become an Applicator
Submit Your Examination Application
- Log in to the SPCB online licensing system to complete your exam application and pay the $55 fee.
- Exam Approval and Scheduling
- The Board will review your application. Once approved, we will send your eligibility to the testing vendor, PSI Exams (PSI).
- PSI will send you a Candidate Handbook by mail or email (if you provided one). This handbook explains how to schedule your exam.
- You have 6 months to schedule and take the exam. If you don’t, your application will expire, and you will need to reapply and pay the fee again.
- Exam Day
- Bring a valid, government-issued photo ID (like a driver’s license or passport).
- Exam Results
- You will get your results immediately after the exam.
- If You Pass: You will be directed to the SPCB online licensing system to complete the license application online.
- If You Fail: You will need to submit a re-exam application through the SPCB online licensing system and pay another $55 fee. You will have to wait 15 days before you can retake the exam.
- Live Scan/Fingerprint Process
- Download the Live Scan form from the SPCB online licensing system under Links & Resources.
- Live Scan results can take 2 weeks to 2 months or more to arrive.
- If you have already done a Live Scan for SPCB, you do not need to do it again unless your previous license was cancelled and you don’t have another active license.
- Getting Your Applicator License
- Fill out the Applicator license application using the SPCB online licensing system and pay the $10 fee. You must upload a copy of your completed live scan form in your online application.
- Use DCA License Search to check your license status. You can start working as soon as your license number is issued. The physical license will arrive in 2 to 4 weeks.
- License Denial and Appeals
- If your application is denied, we’ll send instructions on how to request a hearing.
Send your written request for a hearing within 60 days to:
Structural Pest Control Board
2005 Evergreen Street, Ste. 1500
Sacramento, CA 95815
If you don’t request a hearing within 60 days, you’ll lose your right to appeal, and the denial will stand.